Creating a Boot Disk?

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Creating a Boot Disk?

Post by Mech42Ace »

Heya, I've been trying to install Mechwarrior 2, the standard DOS version on Windows XP and every time I run the installer, it wants me to create a boot disk as I don't have enough storage space on my C: drive.

I've tried to install the patch, but this hasn't solved the issue. :?
I've heard that this is a glitch, and I was wondering if creating the boot disk would solve my problem.

Because my pc tower doesn't have a floppy disk drive, I was also considering picking one of these up. Does any one have experience with these, and if so, did it work as well as a standard A: drive?

And any ideas or suggestions welcome!
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Re: Creating a Boot Disk?

Post by LordNova2 »

Wait... Boot Disk... What?!
If I remember right all the boot disk did (for just about any game) was have a boot-up script so when you wanted to play your game all you had to do was insert the boot disk and start/reboot, and it would auto-load the game for you instead of loading to DOS prompt and manually typing it out.
Either way you should not need a Boot Disk to run the game... The default installation is C:/MECH2/MECH2.EXE try looking and see if it installed, if so you should be able to launch the MECH2.EXE file.

I have used the USB Floppy drives in the past, like over a decade ago.
But it boils down to what slickrcbd said, the BIOS will need to support booting from USB (or USB Floppy). Otherwise all you will be able to do is read a floppy disk after windows has booted (which was I was using mine for).
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